Friday, July 29, 2011

Halp me? AKA Editing.

So I have put off revising (for the most part - it's out with beta readers at the moment so we'll see) An Absence of Light at the moment and focused on Once Eternal (well, I call it Eternity, but seeing as how there are 500 books with that same name, that might be an issue). I'm currently at 50K roughly, and I am plotting about 85-90K. I'm not a fan of massive books or small books, I like just right books, and 90K for me is just right. I've outlined and plotted and am stampeding towards the end. But I am going to take a break from the regularly scheduled programming of gifs and rambling to talk about my number one villain, editing.

Yes, editing, that dreaded word that most authors fear. I am no exception. Having to butcher apart things I love is hard. Imagine if you had to kill your dog and reanimate it as Super Fido. Well, that's a weird idea, but it's not entirely too far off I think.

My process:

1.) Reread. If I immediately see something egregious, such as typos or grammar, I correct it. This is always my first sweep.

2.) Do I overuse words? Okay, time to cut and pull out the trusty thesaurus. On edit two, I also look at my prose, my metaphors, similes - do they make sense? Are they worth the space they're taking up? If not, out they go.

3.) Read other stuff. I need a break. Also, I use this time to apply for jobs and cry over my student loan debt. But this only serves to be a good catalyst to go onto...

4.) Does this even make sense? When in doubt, ask your beta readers. In fact, I'm kind of looking for some at the moment. A critique partner would be LOVERLY. And not one that also shares the BFF role in my life.

5.) Breathe. We're not there yet. This step is critical to any success. If you do not breathe, you will die, and then who will finish this?

6.) Edit some more! Editing is only done when you look at your baby and see Super Fido. If you see dead Fido, then you might need some help. Call Dr. Frankenstein immediately and have a word. This is a good chance to ask your beta readers again for advice.

And finally...

7.) Query time. Hopefully I will get my act together and actually press submit soon on Light. It's almost ready to go. I just need to get some feedback and then I'll send it off into the world.

Okay, I'm probably not the person to ask when it comes to editing. I've been known to whine and moan to my friends on AIM or stay up until 4 AM procrastinating on Tumblr. But please, share with me your secrets to success! I want to know!

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