Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dealing with Brain Deadedness

Okay, writers (and random readers who have stumbled her mistaking me for the other Megan Ayscues, who all live down the road from me and are probably related to me - if you are them, hey cousin!). We've all dealt with that brain deadednessthingamajigwhatsitcalled. You know what I'm talking about. You stare at the screen and can't write a coherent thought. Most of the time, that happens to me when I'm writing a cover letter for a job, trying to sum up my life into 300 words that tell a potential employer why I'm perfect for the job. It happens, though, when I write.

This is me when that happens.

I pace around, go to the door, dig up weeds around my plants (many more than I have to), pour myself three cups of coffee that I don't drink, tweet like a madwoman, stalk my friends on Facebook. Okay, I'll be honest, I go on Pogo and play Risk and lose every time. I've never won.

So what's the secret to Brain Alive? You must be desperate if you're asking me. Just kidding. I have an answer.

Focus focus focus. It's simple. If you keep your eyes on the goal and know that you want to finish this story, you want to make it the best story that you possibly can, you can get things done. This past week I've had mild Brain Deadedness and I've had to force myself to continue by focusing on my goal. I want to finish a story that I can be proud of and get all the words in my head out on paper. I'm enjoying the story that I'm telling and I am it's biggest fan girl no doubt. I have to love what I'm writing in order to make myself a better writer. If you don't believe in yourself and your goal, your work will of course falter.

There will be times where you want to give up, but you can't just stand back and let your hard work go to waste. Even if this is a story for you, look at how much work you've put into it so far. Hours of pain and agony and tears maybe. Late nights before early mornings catching the train into work (yes, I was guilty of this many times). Missed time with family and friends. Wow, I'm sounding really pessimistic now, but just remember that this is your baby. Nurture it, focus on it, dress it in pretty clothes and show it off to the neighbors once it's grown and born. Pretend it's a little chihuahua and take it around town for a stroll.

Maybe it wasn't best that you asked me. Only you can know the secret to your success. My secret is just very, very weird.