Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oh hai y'all

Did I forget I had a writing blog again? Ehm... Maybe.

I'm working on NaNoWriMo right now and putting off doing the final edits of ONCE ETERNAL for just a few more weeks. I hope to start querying soon but editing comes first and editing is important. But hopefully soon.

In other news, got a bill today from my student loan people. I owe more than I thought. Might have hid it in my sock drawer after that. Note, I rarely wear socks, so chances are I will forget it in a few days. I picked my undergrad school because it was cheap and then I got the bright idea to get my MA.

Not so bright now, are you, Megan? Nooooope.

So until I finish NaNo and come back to you all perky, I'm going to leave you with this. Be inspired.