Friday, April 29, 2011

It Begins

I guess I should introduce myself to start this blog. My name is Megan Ayscue, I am 24, and in two weeks and two hours, I graduate with a Masters degree in International Relations. And I also write. I guess what my goal in life as a writer is to write literary fiction, but for now I write paranormal junk food for your mind. I've written a few novels, one of which I will give out for free upon request since, three more of which will never see the light of day, and then another which is the reason for this blog. I actually think it might be okay, like it might be publishable, but in this market of having to push yourself out there and pray... You know, it makes me worried that I'll be told "This sucks". But anyway, let me introduce you to my novel.

Light is the first in a proposed trilogy (I have began work on the second, tentatively titled Dark, but due to school commitments since I graduate in two weeks, I'm not very into it yet). It is the story of Rebecca Townsend, a young woman age 22 who has spent the majority of her life being an outcast of the Upper East Side of Manhattan. She's been labeled as depressed, anxious, and schizophrenic because of her visions and paranoia, feelings about people and things she cannot explain. When her mother is viciously murdered and her father disappears, the prime suspect in her death, Rebecca is forced by a court to live with her abusive aunt and uncle and the door slammed on what life she had. The person who comes to her rescue is a man named Zithain who calls himself a demon, one of the very same people who is trying to control her because of her abilities. You see, Rebecca's father is one of the strongest angels in existence, leaving her a half human/half angel hybrid with powers that are thought by both sides to be the key to winning a war that has lasted millions of years, a war over who will control the Neutral Realm - the human realm.

Let me just say that these angels and demons are not religious, they are simply beings from other universes (realms) that found weak spots in the fabric of space and time and have gained the power to cross over between realms. These two universes sandwich our universe, full of lesser creatures ripe for the picking. But you can find out more about that if you read the book. Which I hope you want to based on my description.

I'm looking for an agent, a publisher, anyone who might be able to help me get my book all fancied up and published one day. If you fit this category, feel free to email me. I would love to hear from anyone who might be able to help me out!

Toodles for now,