Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo

Okay, okay, if you look at my sidebar, it's kind of obvious that yes, I did finish Camp NaNoWriMo. I actually had no intention of entering it until I was at the dentist on the 7th and suddenly got the catalyst to start writing Once Eternal again. This is rewrite number four really, and it's definitely the best yet. I started over from scratch for this one but it has the same characters and same flair as the dead but forgotten Welcome to Eternity, which was a two-part adult project that just wasn't there. Once Eternal so far feels much better, even if the characters are all much younger. Lexy went from 27 and a tax attorney to 17 and a high school student all over again. I think she might be bitter about that.

Last night at 12:30 AM, I hit 50K, which was my goal for the month. As of right now, I'm at 52K with a goal of between 85-90K, possibly a little under or over that (so 80-95K basically). The title is still subject to change since I've been trying to think of ideas for years, even with the previous incarnation of it. I want to be to at least 65K by this time next week, and 80K by two weeks from now. My goal is to be done with the first draft by August 17th, which will be the 6 week mark from starting it. Let's see what happens!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Halp me? AKA Editing.

So I have put off revising (for the most part - it's out with beta readers at the moment so we'll see) An Absence of Light at the moment and focused on Once Eternal (well, I call it Eternity, but seeing as how there are 500 books with that same name, that might be an issue). I'm currently at 50K roughly, and I am plotting about 85-90K. I'm not a fan of massive books or small books, I like just right books, and 90K for me is just right. I've outlined and plotted and am stampeding towards the end. But I am going to take a break from the regularly scheduled programming of gifs and rambling to talk about my number one villain, editing.

Yes, editing, that dreaded word that most authors fear. I am no exception. Having to butcher apart things I love is hard. Imagine if you had to kill your dog and reanimate it as Super Fido. Well, that's a weird idea, but it's not entirely too far off I think.

My process:

1.) Reread. If I immediately see something egregious, such as typos or grammar, I correct it. This is always my first sweep.

2.) Do I overuse words? Okay, time to cut and pull out the trusty thesaurus. On edit two, I also look at my prose, my metaphors, similes - do they make sense? Are they worth the space they're taking up? If not, out they go.

3.) Read other stuff. I need a break. Also, I use this time to apply for jobs and cry over my student loan debt. But this only serves to be a good catalyst to go onto...

4.) Does this even make sense? When in doubt, ask your beta readers. In fact, I'm kind of looking for some at the moment. A critique partner would be LOVERLY. And not one that also shares the BFF role in my life.

5.) Breathe. We're not there yet. This step is critical to any success. If you do not breathe, you will die, and then who will finish this?

6.) Edit some more! Editing is only done when you look at your baby and see Super Fido. If you see dead Fido, then you might need some help. Call Dr. Frankenstein immediately and have a word. This is a good chance to ask your beta readers again for advice.

And finally...

7.) Query time. Hopefully I will get my act together and actually press submit soon on Light. It's almost ready to go. I just need to get some feedback and then I'll send it off into the world.

Okay, I'm probably not the person to ask when it comes to editing. I've been known to whine and moan to my friends on AIM or stay up until 4 AM procrastinating on Tumblr. But please, share with me your secrets to success! I want to know!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting To Know You....

I'm a little...hyper this morning, so how about a few fun facts about me so you can get to know me?

1.) Chris Hemsworth. LOVE HIM.

MORE PLEASE. Okay, yeah, I just wanted to post that GIF.

2.) Weirdest celebrity encounter - Jonah Hill. I stood next to him for five minutes on a New York City sidewalk while we both argued on our phones and I didn't realize who he was until some guys asked him if he was in Superbad. I mean, I'm not a fan, but I would have at least gotten a picture!

3.) I have a Masters Degree in International Relations. I have yet to use it.

4.) I'm 24.

5.) I took my roommate to see a Broadway play and she ended up having a ten minute chat with Kenneth Cole while wearing sweatpants and Ugg boots. At the same event, I almost grabbed Lee Pace and took him home with me. I have no regrets.

6.) I was a creative writing major for two years until my hatred of 18th Century poetry convinced me to switch to political science. I have no regrets about this, either.

7.) I lived in Japan for four months in college while studying abroad.

8.) My favorite TV channel is Bravo. I love Tabatha's Salon Takeover and Millionaire Matchmaker and the Bravo episodes of Project Runway. And Work of Art, I loved that.

9.) I am a big fan of the Carolina Hurricanes and last season was my 10 year anniversary of my first NHL game. This year will be the 10th anniversary of my first playoffs!

10.) And finally, my favorite TV show ever was Farscape. Favorite movie is Aliens. Favorite book is Brave New World. Do you see a theme here?

And that's it! Now I'm sleepy and want a nap.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Real Life Gets In The Way

So yesterday I went to the beach. Didn't write.

Today I found out my grandfather has to go back to the hospital. Only wrote 100 words.

Real life just has a tendency to get in the way, doesn't it? But mysteriously, when I was in graduate school, I pounded out a 110,000 manuscript in four months between two internships (both with an hour commute each way) and a full time course load.

My main problem has always been having spurts of writing where I just sit and type and type and type until I fall asleep, sometimes at my desk or on my bed with the computer dangerously perched on my knees, and then I have days or weeks where I just can't bring myself to type anything other than celeb gossip replies.

Luckily right now, I think I'm still in the safe zone, but the fear of falling off the wagon is disheartening.

But as a bit of fun today, let's play a game of "Find Megan in this New York Times Travel Section Picture!" It was taken November 2008 in Kyoto at a cultural festival, and yes, I can safely say I am in here. The entire ceremony was these people getting dressed up, writing haikus, and then taking a shot with each one. Then there were dancers and it was a blast. Besides me and two friends, the only other non-Japanese people were the camerawoman and a pair of British tourists. Fun times.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Megan...likes music? Duh.

I thought today that I would discuss something actually related to the writing process instead of bogging you down with the details of woe is me, woe is me, can't find work, live with my parents, cat is an idiot, etc. Since I honestly can't tell you how to write a masterpiece (they've been hiding that secret from me sadly - if you find it, please let me know), I thought, well, why don't I talk to you, my friends, about music and writing?

Okay, yeah, you're probably thinking this right now...

But stay with me!

Music has the power to inspire, to encourage, to make your brain boil and explode into slimy confetti. For writing, it can be a tool or a problem. I only listen to music sometimes when I write (most of the time I admittedly watch television - most of my new YA manuscript so far, code name ONCE ETERNAL, was written while watching Parks and Recreation), but finding the right music is important. I tried writing an action sequence while listening to Bon Iver and I felt as if my character wanted to make out with the bad guys instead of ripping them a new one.

My story so far has been somewhat dark, but at the same time meant to give a feeling of starkness, disbelief, and an unusual sensation. It takes place in the afterlife, so yeah, but not heaven - not really. As the story progresses, it gets darker, moodier, and you begin to realize that the clean, perfect veneer is host to a great deal of turmoil beneath the surface.

So of course my music has shifted. I went from listening to Bon Iver wailing at me to Hybrid to Kosheen to *insert vaguely known British electronic group* back to Hybrid and randomly to Lordi. I don't really know where Lordi came from, I think it was because I have a poster of Finnish NHL players above my desk and their eyes told me that I had to listen to Finnish hard rock. I don't mind.

Randomly, though, The Fifth Element soundtrack has also been on my play list.

As the story changed, so does my music. I don't know if this is the case for all writers, but I like to create playlists dependent on the mood and feeling of what each scene is that I write.

Okay, yes, I'm sorry, I know you all just did this while reading my nonsensical rambling.

And in a writing update, I am at 31,200 words in less than two weeks. My two week anniversary will be on Thursday, but since I'll be at the beach on Thursday boiling in the sun and developing skin cancer, I need to push forward.

I hope this at least enlightened you about what my mind craves when I write. Once I finish the manuscript, I think I'll post an official play list so you can all download some inspiration-starting tunes.

Now, to pack my beach bag!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tumblr Time? I think so!

This will be quick since I don't really have anything constructive to add besides PANTS! Oh, wait, pants aren't constructive. I'm not even wearing pants. FORGET PANTS!

Okay, I thought I would invite each and every one of you - all three of my fans, plus Jenn who stans for me on Twitter, to follow me on Tumblr at FORGET PANTS! I mostly reblog a lot of Karl Urban pictures. Star Trek. Karl Urban again. Stupid stuff. Karl Urban. Karl Urban interviews. Karl Urban gifs. Yep.

Remember, FORGET PANTS! and follow me! And invite your friends.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Month Has Passed! Gasp!

Okay, yeah, I'm not going a good job of keeping my blog (this one at least) up to date, and that's totally my fault. I've been in the middle of writing, of reading, of applying for jobs, and dreaming about marrying someone rich and/or famous, so on and so forth. So far, I've written a lot, read some, applied for barely anything, and suffered through a month and a half of living at home with my parents while I wait for something, ANYTHING, to happen.

I've decided to start querying Light starting as soon as I've finished editing the MS. I've had some issues with believability in chapter two which I hope I've resolved, but suddenly while at the dentist the other day, I had a flash of brilliance which led to 10,000 words of a new project since Thursday afternoon. It's a YA ms based on an old manuscript of mine geared towards adults, and it will definitely be in the Edgy category, mostly because I play with themes seen in Light (it's technically the same universe, but the casual reader might not deduct that from reading until book three, maybe). Oh, and this will be a possibly trilogy, too. It's about a girl who dies and thinks she's going to Heaven when in fact it is a bureaucratic dreamland and the angels are actually government workers who make life an interesting nightmare.

Oh, and Lucifer might show up. It's urban fantasy meets a not-so-dystopian-dystopia (it's technically not a dystopia, but it has the same ideas as many dystopias have, especially in YA) meets political drama meets action adventure. And I have a masters degree in a subfield of political science in addition to experience as a federal government intern, so I plan on playing it up to the max. Hopefully it will be done within the next two months and maybe, just maybe, coming to a store near you in a couple of years. But no, my contemporary lit project (Time Traveler's Wife meets something with more action) hasn't died, but it has been pushed aside for now. Hopefully after Eternity (the YA project's first book) is done, it will come back to life.

Okay, I need to write. XOXO!